Starting a small business

Looking For A Small Business Opportunity?


We can help!

You can start your own customer support business, work from home, all with very little start-up costs


We give you a small business opportunity unlike anything else. It connects Fortune 500 brands that need customer support to work from home resources.


Client programs include major corporations, like Intuit, Carnival Cruise Line, and Dick’s Sporting Goods, to name a few. Instead of clients using customer support agents in their own brick-and-mortar call centers, they partner with us to connect them to independent, work-from-home customer support businesses run by people like you.


That’s where you come in. When you register with us, you can leverage our technology and support infrastructure to run a small call center business – where you are the boss.


 What To Know About Building A Small Business


Most small business opportunities require leaving the house and running an in-person operation, with countless overhead expenses and numerous responsibilities. But we give you access to a small business opportunity in the customer support industry unlike anything else. It’s an investment in your future that will allow you to finally build the small business of your dreams from the comfort of your home. Plus, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish. The possibilities are endless.


No matter what your situation might be, WulfzDen Work at Home can help you achieve your personal and financial goals by paving the way for you to become a small business owner and work at home in the customer support industry. It’s a win-win!


Even better, just imagine a work opportunity you can do while keeping your normal schedule intact. Work that doesn’t require you to leave your little ones behind at home. An opportunity you can do from absolutely anywhere, no matter your location and to top it off, you are the boss!


Whether you’re looking to pursue a small business opportunity, or just trying to improve your financial wellbeing, registering is the first step to making your small customer support business dreams a reality — without even requiring you to leave your home.


Small Business Opportunity Benefits At A Glance


Register and provide exceptional customer service from home whenever your schedule allows.

Support some of the largest companies in the world. The best part? You don’t answer to anyone! You’re the boss here, giving you complete control over your small business — including when, where, and how much you want to work.

Grow your small business to new heights by hiring a team of qualified agents to work for you.

Work at home – No commute! No clothes to buy! No daycare expenses!

It’s easier than you think to get started!


Starting a small business is a major life decision! That’s why it’s important to understand exactly what you’re taking on before getting started. The best part is signing up with WulfzDen Work at Home allows you to build your customer support company without requiring you to have significant capital — a benefit that’s practically unheard of in the small business world. Here’s everything you need to know:


Start a small business without a ton of capital 
Sound too good to be true? It’s not! No need to buy your own call center platform or  generate your own leads or clients when you take advantage of this small business opportunity.
WulfzDen Work at Home connects you with well-known brands in need of customer service support and provides the technology that will connect you. That means you’ll earn money and build your small business no matter what, as long as you put in the time and effort.

Enjoy a more flexible work schedule
Make your own hours and schedule work around your life — not the other way around. When starting a small business, many worry about the time commitment it will require, pulling them further away from friends, family, and personal passions. But with this small business opportunity, depending on how you want to run your business, you’ll be able to enjoy a super-flexible work-from-home schedule and have time for it all — including building your company to new heights.

Eliminate the time and cost of overhead expenses, commuting, and more
Why sit in traffic and pay rent on a physical, brick-and-mortar business when you can provide customer support from home through your own small business? When you create this kind of small business, you’ll save money! There is no need for a huge investment in business infrastructure

Operate and brand your company as you see fit
Create a personal brand that reflects who you are
 and run your customer support business as you see fit. Hire agents to work with you to service client programs, or choose to be a solopreneur by operating your small business on your own.

Create a healthy work-life balance
Replace your commute and other restrictions of a traditional job with quality time with family and friends or freedom to pursue your other passions. Plus, earn a steady stream of income even though you’re working from home.

please use referral:  Wulfpacke Industries, Inc.ID# 1383011 when you sign up